Starter Set ICE 4 / BR412 Analog KATO 10960 - DB AG - N 1/160th - EP VI

Brand : HOBBY66   |   Référence : KAK10960
VI N : 1/160 2R Analogue
Prix unitaire TTC :
€ 250.99

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A coffret de départ à l39;échelle N 1/160ème, sous la référence K10960 du fabricant KATO.

Contains: A frame of 4 éléments of the ICE 4 from the DB AG, a rail vane KATO, a régulateur de vitesse with its power supply block.

Minimum curve radius: 282 mm.

Shell: VI.


Under the KATO K10960 reference, here is a superb analogue départ box including a ream of 4 ICE 4, N 1/160 scale.


Composition of the multiple unit of series 412 (ICE4):

- A control car with registration number 5812 034.


Additional features: 

- Green/red design.

- 5 pôle motor with flywheel.

- Change of lighting according to direction of travel (White and red).

- Digitalisation possible thanks to the ZIMO K10950-D1 reference encoder.

- The KATO K11213 and K11214 series internal light can be integrated.

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